Women in History Tour

    The Women in History Tour at Experience Glasnevin shines a light on the fascinating stories of some of the extraordinary women buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, all of whom played key roles in shaping the course of Irish history. 

    This tour gives an insight into:     

    • The lives of iconic figures including Constance Markievicz, Maud Gonne McBride, Hannah Sheehy-Skeffington and many other prominent women buried at Glasnevin.
    • The role women played in some of the key events in modern Irish history, including the 1916 Rising and the War of Independence.
    • How women played a key part in the formation of the political system, and how an Irishwoman became one of the first females in the world to hold a cabinet position
    • The pioneering contributions women made to the shaping of Irish society, to advancing social justice, and to gender equality.

    Your ticket includes entry into the Extra-ordinary Lives indoor exhibition. We recommend that you arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your tour starting, to allow you to check in and browse the exhibition.

    All of our tours begin and end in our state-of-the art Visitor Centre. Here, you can view displays, videos and interactive media in both the City of the Dead and the Prospect Gallery. This will give you an intriguing introduction to your visit and set the scene for the outdoor tour which follows. Your Tour Guide will meet you in the Prospect Gallery and commence the outdoor tour from there.

      Tour Times

    Last Sunday of the month at 12 PM

    See full opening hours

      Ticket Information

    Public Tours €15
    (Concession €13)

    Family Ticket €45
    (2 Adults + up to 4 Children)
      Plan Your Visit